VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid: Install, Configure, Manage[V1.0]

Length – 2 days

During this two-day course, you focus on installing VMware TanzuTM Kubernetes GridTM on a VMware vSphere®
environment and then provisioning and managing Tanzu Kubernetes clusters.
Product Alignment
• VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 1.0

VI administrators who are responsible for deploying and managing Tanzu Kubernetes clusters.

Working knowledge of Kubernetes.

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
•Describe how Tanzu Kubernetes Grid fits in the VMware TanzuTM portfolio
•Describe the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid architecture
•Deploy management clusters
•Deploy Tanzu Kubernetes clusters
•Configure your Tanzu Kubernetes Grid instance for authentication, logging, and ingress
•Perform basic troubleshooting

Course Outline
Course Introduction
•Introductions and course logistics
•Course objectives
What Is VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid?
•Tanzu Kubernetes Grid in the VMware Tanzu portfolio
•Tanzu Kubernetes Grid concepts
•Tanzu Kubernetes Grid CLI
Management Cluster
•Preparing the vSphere environment
•Creating management clusters
•Managing management clusters
Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters
•Cluster API
•Deploying Tanzu Kubernetes clusters
•Tanzu Kubernetes cluster architecture
Configuring and Managing Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Instances
•Tanzu Kubernetes Grid extensions
•Ingress control
•Crash recovery and diagnostics for Kubernetes
•Troubleshooting commands